Develop Delaware County

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Develop Delaware County is a social media initiative put forth by both Delaware County and the Delaware County Finance Authority. Develop Delaware County is meant to update members of the community on all of the economic development projects that are happening in the county. Beyond typical statistics and other numerical goals that are set forth in economic development, the story of those impacted by these projects are also going to be shared. We hope that a more person-focused form of engagement will assist in conveying what Economic Development is to the public.

Develop Delaware County consists of the Delaware County Economic Development department, as well as the Delaware County Finance Authority.

The current members of the Finance Authority are: David Stadge – Chair, Bill Bishop – Vice Chair, Don Rankey – Treasurer, Jon Bennehoof – Secretary, Frank Reinhard, Scott Cubberly, and Kent Shafer.

The Economic Development department is currently: Bob Lamb, Rob Platte, and Zach Dowley.


We believed there was a disconnect between the way that economic development projects were broadcast to the public, and that we as ED professionals were missing a huge part of what makes these projects truly beneficial for the community. That missing piece being the effect it has on people. People being able to get better jobs, or have better access to utilities, or other amenities. Seeing the positives that developers and businesses bring to the community at large. All of those things we believe we can strive to improve on when we communicate to the public.